Prayer & Praise

Prayer is important to all Christians and is especially important to members of Stoney Creek Church. If you have specific prayer requests, we invite you to share them with us so we might join with you in praying.

We have two distinct prayer lists:


Our public list that is printed each week in our bulletin. Members of the Church are encouraged to pray daily for those whose names appear on this public list. It is not necessary to give details as to the nature of the prayer request. As we pray for each other, we "agree" in prayer like Jesus told us to do in Matthew 18. To add a person's name to this public prayer list, click on the link here...Public Prayer List


We have a private prayer list that is shared only with our Church Staff. Names and needs submitted to this list are not published or made known to anyone not on Staff. Our Staff will pray for these private needs as they are shared with them. To ask for specific prayer by our Staff, click on the link here...Private Prayer List


Praising God for answered prayer is an important part of worship, too. Click here to share an item of PRAISE so we can celebrate God's goodness with you!