Music Ministry

We love music at Stoney Creek and believe it can set the atmosphere to draw us into worship. In all our services, we strive first and foremost to worship God in all that we do. We believe this happens by using all the talents and gifts tat are available to us aw we give back to Him.

  • Special Music

    We love to have individuals and groups share in special music as an offering of worship to God. Solos, duets, trios, etc. as well as instrumentals are used as often as possible to prepare our hearts for the message. If you would be interested in sharing, please contact Kenny Causey.

  • Choir

    If you love to sing, come join us for practice on Wednesday nights from 7 - 8PM in the Sanctuary! Our choir sings during our Traditional service at 11 AM. Offering a blend of traditional, southern gospel and modern music, we strive to lead everyone in worshiping our Lord. We welcome new members to join us for practice or reach out to Kenny Causey, our Director, for more information.

  • Praise Team & Band

    Our Praise Team and Band leads worship in our contemporary service at 8:30 & 9:45 AM in The Pointe. Led by Kaylin Darden and Matt Willoughby, this team sings a variety of contemporary favorites  and strives to keep our time of worship modern and relevant while focusing on Christ. If you are interested in serving on this team, contact Kaylin for more information.