elevation adult ministries

“Together we will climb new heights as we strive to elevate God and elevate our relationship with God.”

The mission of the Stoney Creek Adult Ministries is to glorify God by developing older adults

who grow in the relationship with Jesus Christ through love, service and commitment. 

  • Tuesday Morning Bible Study

    Elevation Bible Study  / 10 -11 AM / Fellowship Hall

    Come expecting to receive a blessing! You are always welcome to bring a friend or neighbor. Donuts, hot coffee and great fellowship will be waiting for you!

  • MONTHLY Events

    Elevation Afternoon Get-A-Way & Dinner / Thursday, March 13

    Depart SCC at 1 PM by church bus

    Free time at The Shoppes at Copper Mill Mercantile near Kinston

    Early Dinner at Sandpiper Seafood at 3:30 PM

    Copper Mill Mercantile is an indoor, air-conditioned 36,000 sq. ft. emporium of antiques, collectables, vintage, primitives, crafts, and more! Ride the bus or meet us at Sandpiper at 3:30 if you choose to skip the Mercantile. 

    Sign up HERE or in the Connector!


    Chuckwagon Night

    April 25 at 6 PM in the FH


    A western-themed, indoor night on the open range. Special musical guests. Western-themed Big Cowboy Dinner. Western-themed fun. Casual dress/jeans are OK. If you decide to dress in western wear, there will be prizes for the best dressed man and the best dressed woman and a runner’s up prize for each. Please sign up HERE if you hope to attend. Feel free to invite friends or neighbors.

  • Sunday Bible Fellowship (Sunday School)

    Each Sunday morning there are various classes offered for adults where you can study the Bible and share in community with other believers. We'd love to help you find a class that fits your needs!

    Adult Classes at 9:45 AM

    AIM (Adults in Ministry) - Room B5

    Charity - Room 207

    Crusaders for Christ - Room 203

    Good News - Room B4

    Koinonia - Room 206

    WORD Grow - Room 204

    YAMs+(Young Adult MinistrieS + anyone who is young at heart) - Hangout Space at The Pointe

    Senior Adult Classes at 9:45 AM

    Friendship - 201

    Ambassador - Room 202

    Young Adults Class at 11 AM

    Faith Foundations - The Pointe Hangout