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We are happy you are here! Look around and let us know how we can help encourage you on your spiritual journey. We believe that becoming part of a local body of believers will only help you grow stronger in your faith. Come join us! We'll be looking for you and we will do our best to make you feel right at home.

This Sunday

God’s Challenges and Promises—1 Chronicles 28:10, 20-21

As our stewardship journey begins here at Stoney Creek Church, we understand that biblical stewardship calls for

deep commitment and faith in God. What will make the seemingly impossible possible are the promises

of God given to us over and over again all along our journey. We will also discuss our children’s space and what

commitment Sunday will look like next week, so don’t miss worship this Sunday!


Three services every Sunday! Can't attend in person? Join us online!

8:30 AM Contemporary Service (in person only)

9:45 AM Contemporary Service (in person & online)

11:00 AM Traditional Service (in person & online)

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